【编辑】亲自用英语怎么写为好范文网的会员投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。亲自的英文释义:personallyin bodyin personin the fleshoneselfbodily亲自的英文例句:他应该亲自来领奖才对。It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize in person.我将亲自过问此事。I shall give the matter my personal attention.这计画经部长亲自审阅过。The plans were personally inspected by the minister.亲自用英语怎么写她亲自颁奖。She presented the prizes personally.我得亲自去寄这封信。I have to mail the letter myself.我将亲自去取它。I will go to fetch it in person.书记要亲自管报纸,亲自写文章。Party secretaries should personally supervise the newspapers and write articles.想靠犁杖过好日子的人必须亲自扶犁或亲自驾驭牲口。He that by the plough would thrive himself must either hold or drive.墨西哥旅馆:旅馆经理将亲自为您撒尿。Theanager has personally passed allt water served here.你可以亲自接洽也可以写信。You can apply either personally or in letter.他亲自领我们到大厦各处参观。He conducted as personally through the mansion.你最好去找他亲自和他谈一谈。You'd better run in to see and talk with him personally.老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自监督下执行的。The old man's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer.你嘛, 就不用亲自去了。As for you, I don't think you have to go in person.他必须亲自干那事吗?Must he do it himself.我坚持认为我们应当为他们提供精良的设备和精神上的鼓励,但我们不应当亲自追踪偷猎者,因为那样的话,偷猎者会反过来跟踪我们。I argue that we should supply them with good equipment and encouragement, butwe should not personally go after the poachers, for then they will come after us.1989年,他和他的妻子赖莎亲自访问了上述设施。In 1989, he and his wife Raisa personally visited the facility, above.他亲自审计那项帐目。He audit the account by himself.他们用自己的经历来帮助听众对资源和影响它们的问题建立理智的和情感的联系,同时他们也亲自投身到那些资源中。They spend their careers helping audiences develop intellectual and emotionalconnections to resources and the issues that affect them, and they are personallyinvested in those resources as well.我真的很想亲自看看你是怎么有效地安排你的工作的。I’d really like to see for myself how well your system works.这个我并没有亲自做,是克里斯做的。I did not actually do this myself. Chris did.但是,如果你想将自己的职业生涯提升到一个新高度的话,就得亲自去了解你的同事和“老板”。However, if you want to take your career to the next level, it pays to get to knowyour colleagues and “bosses” in person.这些都是我在生活中亲自领会的最深刻的教训。These are personally the most powerful lessons I have learned in my life.大理石是由本项目的创作者亲自挑选的。Marble was chosen by the author of the project personally.举例来说,两个人可能不通过电子邮件联系对方,但是他们可以通过电话或亲自见面联系。For example, two people might not e-mail each other, but they may talk regularlyover the phone or in person.所有的这些建议我都亲自试验过,我可以证明它们给我的生活带来的改变。All of these suggestions I’ve personally tried and can attest to the differencethey’ve made in my life.但是这里,像我们上周看到的,鞋子穿在袜子上,我需要亲自明确地增加这个变量。But here, as we saw in week zero with the shoe example putting on socks, I haveto increment this variable explicitly myself.陈冠希说道,“我不能亲自去跟每个人解释,所以决定用自己的歌声来倾诉,向他们展示我的经历及改变。”I can`t explain to everyone in person, so I decided to tell them in my songs andshow them what I have been through and how I have changed.自从读了他的书,我就深深崇拜上了他,后来有幸亲自认识他。I first admired him through his books, and later got to know him personally.你也可以在好范文网搜索更多本站小编为你整理的其他亲自用英语怎么写范文。